4 Lesser Known TV Shows To Binge Watch As You Laze Around This Long Weekend

By Youth24x7
Freaks and Geeks

We bring you a list of TV series that you can binge watch (without guilt). What sets them apart is the fact that they are underrated, or just less known. Rest assured, not a lot of people are watching these shows, and you get to do something no one else is doing, in your own way.

1. Freaks and Geeks

This show, set up in a high school setting, is just 18 episodes-long and is based in the 1980s. High-school bullying, peer pressure, drug abuse, are rampant and none of the students have any clue as to where they are headed in life. it is a pleasure to watch just by design of how the script has been written and executed, and to add to its charm we have some of the most favourite actors in their awkward teenage years. Cue: Jason Segeal, James Franco, Seth Rogen, among others.

2. Bojack Horseman

The idea of a talking horse sounds ludicrous at first, but once you launch into the first episode, you will realise there is something in the fabric of the show that keeps you glued. A Netflix original, and having completed its third season, Bojack Horseman is the journey of the character by the same name, who is suffering from depression, and yet for a large part of the show the D-word wasn’t even so much as whispered. There’s a genious working in the execution of this show, which makes it a cartoon for adults.


3. Community

This is a very different show, in that it brings together central characters belonging to different age groups, and how their clashing perspectives merge, but not without friction. The premise is that a lawyer’s degree is revoked and he is forced to join community college, and soon joins this study group with the varied quirky people of his class. What ensues is comedy and more. The show does not get dark at any point.

4. Fresh Off The Boat

Taking a humorous look at an immigrant Taiwanese family, this show about a family with two kids will crack you up. The Huang family is endearing and the mother steals the show, with her quirks and obsessions. A light-hearted show that’d definitely take the edge off if you are stressed.

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