IIT Delhi and University of Queensland Launch Joint PhD Program

By Youth24x7
IIT Delhi and University of Queensland Launch Joint PhD Program: A Gateway to Academic Excellence

Embark on an academic journey like never before with the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IITD) and the esteemed University of Queensland (UQ) unveiling their joint PhD program. This collaborative venture, known as the UQIDAR Joint PhD Programme, promises a synthesis of excellence, offering unparalleled research opportunities and cross-cultural experiences.

The UQIDAR Joint PhD Programme reflects the commitment of both institutions towards nurturing the next generation of scholars. With a strong emphasis on diversity and interdisciplinary collaboration, this program opens doors to a wide range of research areas, providing students with a transformative learning experience.

For those eager to seize this exciting opportunity, the application process for the UQIDAR Joint PhD Programme is now open until March 15, 2023. Prospective scholars are encouraged to submit their applications promptly to be considered for this prestigious program.

Eligibility for the UQIDAR Joint PhD Programme is open to Indian and international applicants, excluding Australian citizens. Successful applicants, known as i-students, will receive comprehensive scholarship packages, including monthly stipends, travel grants, and tuition fee waivers.

IIT Delhi and University of Queensland Launch Joint PhD Program

The program structure offers a unique blend of academic rigor and international exposure. Students will have the privilege of studying at both IIT Delhi and the University of Queensland, benefiting from the expertise of esteemed professors from both institutions. Indian nationals and international applicants will commence their studies at IITD before transitioning to UQ and then completing their program back at IITD. Australian domestic applicants, referred to as q-students, will follow a similar structure, starting at UQ before continuing their studies at IITD.

Eligible Indian students enrolled as i-students will benefit from a comprehensive scholarship package tailored to support their academic pursuits. This includes monthly stipends, health coverage, tuition fee waivers, and relocation grants to facilitate travel between Delhi and Brisbane.

Throughout their tenure, students enrolled in the UQIDAR Joint PhD Programme will have access to comprehensive academic support services and benefits. From state-of-the-art facilities to mentorship from world-renowned professors, every aspect of the program is designed to foster academic and personal growth.

The UQIDAR Joint PhD Programme offers aspiring scholars a unique opportunity to embark on a transformative academic journey characterized by excellence, innovation, and cross-cultural collaboration. By harnessing the collective expertise of IIT Delhi and the University of Queensland, this program unlocks boundless opportunities for research and academic advancement.

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