Reliance Foundation Awards Scholarships to 5000 Undergraduate Students for 2023-24

By Youth24x7

Reliance Foundation announced the selection of 5000+ students for its Undergraduate Scholarships 2023-24 on February 9. This scholarship program, hailed as one of India’s largest and most inclusive initiatives for higher education, offers undergraduate students a grant of up to Rs. 2 lakh along with the opportunity to join its vibrant alumni network, as per an official statement.

Reliance Foundation

58,000 students from over 5,500 educational institutions across 35 states and UTs in India had applied for these scholarships. Through a rigorous merit-cum-means evaluation process, the final 5000 recipients were chosen. Notably, 75% of the selected students come from households with an annual income of less than 2.5 lakh rupees, indicating the program’s focus on aiding economically disadvantaged students.

This year’s scholarship recipients represent diverse backgrounds and fields of study, including Commerce, Arts, Business/Management, Computer Applications, Science, Medicine, Law, Education, Hospitality, Architecture, Engineering/Technology, and others. Out of the total scholarships awarded so far—23,136 in number—48% have been granted to girls, and 3,001 to students with disabilities, reflecting Reliance Foundation’s commitment to inclusivity and diversity.

Reliance Foundation, led by Nita M Ambani, Founder and Chairperson, aims to address India’s development challenges through innovative and sustainable solutions. With a focus on rural transformation, education, health, sports for development, disaster management, women empowerment, urban renewal, arts, culture, and heritage, the foundation has positively impacted over 72 million lives across India.

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