MoU Signing Marks Milestone in Australia-India Relations, Focused on Indigenous Youth Development

By Youth24x7

In a big step towards making friends between Australia and India, AVENUES and Young Change Agents have signed a special paper called a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). This happened at a meeting in Melbourne. This agreement is the first of its kind and is all about helping Indigenous youth learn how to start their own businesses.

This special teamwork is led by two groups, Young Change Agents and AVENUES Meghalaya. They want to make the friendship between the two countries stronger by teaching young people how to be creative, learn new things, and connect with the world. They will do many things together like training teachers, helping new businesses grow, finding talented young people, and letting them learn from each other’s cultures.

Just like how India and Australia want to work together on money and business until 2035, this teamwork shows how important education is for making friends between countries. Both groups believe that if they teach young people how to start their own businesses, they can make them into leaders who can change the world.

Mark Laitflang Stone, who started AVENUES Meghalaya, said this is a very important moment, especially for young people in Northeast India. He hopes that this teamwork will help young people believe in themselves and see their own talents.

Dr. Sushil Kumar, who works for India, said that India and Australia have a very good relationship, and working together on education and business is very important. He thinks this teamwork will help make new things, grow the economy, and solve problems.

The Chief Minister of Meghalaya, Conrad K Sangma, gave his support through a video message. He thinks this teamwork will help young people in the region learn new things from around the world.

The teamwork will start with Young Change Agents coming to Meghalaya, hosted by AVENUES. They will make special programs to teach young people how to start their own businesses. This is just the start of a long friendship where both sides will help each other learn.

AVENUES will pay for this teamwork, and many groups, like the Australia India Business Council, will help too. They hope that over two years, they can teach thousands of young people in Meghalaya and Northeast India how to start their own businesses, which will help them find good jobs.

After signing the MoU, they talked a lot about why it’s important for young people to learn how to start their own businesses. They hope that by working together, they can make sure that more young people have the chance to learn new things and find good jobs. They will have another meeting in March in Meghalaya to keep talking about how to help young people start their own businesses.

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