The Never Ending Conflict for Admissions: College or Course?

By Youth24x7
College or Course

Every student wants to get in the best college possible by their percentage. Flaunting your college among your peers comes to be the new fad prevailing among the youth today.

In Delhi, North Campus being the place of the studious ones enthralls the students more. For many students, getting enrolled in a college at the North Campus of the University of Delhi is a dream; a plethora of students just want to enroll for the choice of their course, oblivious to the trendy college!

What really matters more is a good college and a course, which you can ‘actually’ pursue. Selecting the right course is the most pivotal step ahead; it actually decides your forte of what you would do in life. School ends and there ends the stream you studied or dragged in those two years (10+2). Pursuing your course with all your interests could be your key to success.

Flaunting your college name is of no use when you do not really work hard. You can flaunt your college name to a maximum extent of three or four years, but after you’re done with college, all you have with you is how much you learned and what you do with it.

College does matter but it is not everything, all you have to do is work hard whether you are in a good college or not. Actually, there is no such thing called a good college or a bad college, people have automatically assumed some as good, and some as bad, neither DU’s official site upload the list of best colleges of its university.

Every college of Delhi University is hard to get in these days. All that should matter you is that you enroll for a course, which you do with all your interest, leave the rest. All the best for your admissions! Rise and Shine!

“Nothing in life is Free. Everything comes with 100% of Effort.” –Matias Ruiz

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