7 Annoying Things People Do On Instagram

By Youth24x7

A picture a day makes me all happy and gay. Everything exists to end in a photograph today. Sadly Yes. Facebook is not needed now for uploading pictures or albums or showing off that you went on vacation because everyone is using – INSTAGRAM for it these days. It’s Insta #instame #instadaily #INSTAEVERYDAMTHING.

As Instagram has become so popular, people are going berserk uploading their #hashtag #pictures. So yes they are annoying. How? Let’s see.

1. Selfie – Just because this word became popular oh yes and the part of Oxford dictionary, people don’t care where is it, when is it and how is it, it’s a rule number one of Instagram, LIKE YOU HAVE TO POST A SELFIE. (Sometimes three four times a day also). And there are different types of selfies in the store too, Group selfie, shaadi wali selfie, grumpy selfie, bored selfie, ugly selfie, pretty selfie, shameless selfie? (OH NO) TOO MUCH of it sometimes. Get over it already. PS- Pout- Selfie (the duck face – When do we stop embarrassing the ducks?)

2. Food Porn – Yes we know you are foodie, you go to one of the best places and that too every day, we know you can afford all that every day. But why post food pictures? Why make the viewers hungry? #Nonononono

3. Everyone is an Amateur photographer here – Thanks to Instagram filters and well yes the filters, everyone puts pictures where there photography skills are visible. (#mexturesapp #vsco Oops got it). Even a toddler can also click that blue sky better. Get over it, please.

4. #Hashtags – A rule you should not break. #hashtag everything. What is most irritating is that half of them don’t make sense. #instame? Vscoindia? Followforfollow? And my favourite #FOLLOWMEPLEASE. Aww you.

6. #100happydays – I really like the concept but if you post 80 selfies and 20 throwbacks as a part of 100 happy days is that what happiness is to you? Forget it lets make it #365happydays and try to live it and feel it rather than thinking that what should one post on Instagram. Happiness is ‘Clicking random selfies’ – SORRY.

7. Show off alert – “Shopping with my bestie” (there goes a collage with selfies, Zara, forever 21 oh and @DLF Promenade). And the list is long. New Car, Red velvet from Elma’s (specify that. Yes we got it you idiot) and Starbucks? So well, am I allowed to enter Starbucks if I don’t have an Instagram account? Please let me I will hash tag it on Facebook. Sorry bro #not #cool #enough.

It’s the latest fad among people to let people know about their OH SO HAPPENING lives and this time through pictures and a decent hash tagged caption. No need to worry, it’s not tiring at all #i #me #girl #pretty #cute #instalove #insta. Keep on hash tagging who cares? Insta the shizz bro.

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